Archive for the ‘P52’ Tag

P52 #11 – Two of three airborne

Tuesday, March 24th, 2015 by Jen

Celia Josie and Ewan jumping

Saved by my flash tonight as I repeatedly throughout the day remembered that I needed to take my weekly shot, but then had one child or another unavailable, and then remembered, and then forgot, and then bam the day is done. Definitely compared to having a 1 year old 5+ years ago, the day goes very quickly. We’re always moving onto one thing and the next. But one thing to remember about this time of life is the striped pants, or no pants, as those are generally the preferences. This is one of Josie’s favorite outfits, she basically is wearing the same three outfits again and again and again without using her other clothes. Ewan generally prefers not to wear pants, but definitely wants to wear his boots (not allowed today as they have mud on them).

P52 #10 – not quite posed

Tuesday, March 17th, 2015 by Jen

Well this week was tough finding them in good spirits playing together, more often carping on one another. So I got to dinner today and went ‘ack I don’t have a photo for my project!’ so they mostly decided they were going to pose for me. I threw Rody out in the rug and said ‘everybody sit on him!’ and got my picture. I’ll work on getting better next week, but we’re mostly getting rained on these days and I haven’t taken my camera anywhere fun. Also Jordi is now sick, hopefully he’ll feel better soon.

Josie, Celia and Ewan on the rug

P52 #9 – Our 9 millionth plague this winter

Tuesday, March 10th, 2015 by Jen

week 9

The opportunities for pictures were very slim this week as Josie fell ill on Saturday night and stayed in bed until mid-day today barely eating a thing and not drinking too much. But then as the fever broke she was back to running around, screaming and talking a mile a minute. I was keeping her quarantined to her bed as much as possible and the other kids away from her to try to minimize contamination. Ewan started his fever unfortunately last night and it continued today. What you’re seeing above is him right after nap, when his fever had spiked, I gave him tylenol and also a wet washcloth to the head to help cool him down. I rather like the spiky hair look. He also has decided on new fashion accessories today which were the yellow rain boots as seen above, hand-me-downs from our cousin Harrison, and Josie’s frozen t-shirt. He cried every time someone tried to take his boots off, so we left them on, all day.

Josie and Celia in the background are both examining their science kits they got for Christmas to see which experiments they want to do next. We’ve done several already, but there are more to come. Yesterday Celia made a traditional exploding volcano, and today we made baking soda crystals, which also exploded, but I don’t think that was supposed to happen. Josie was planning to make paper today, but we didn’t get to it yet. One small bonus to being home sick is lots of time for projects like these that are hard to fit around their many activities sometimes!

P52 #8 – Building a crib

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015 by Jen

Here’s my kids over the weekend building a crib for their dolls. The same situation happens again and again, Celia and Josie are building, Ewan wants to help, they scream ‘nooooooooooooo’ and we try to help them figure out how to play together. Then he builds with them, as seen in this picture, but only a few seconds later of course that rather unsupported tall skinny tower he’s making topples over, and Ewan thinks it’s fun so he starts kicking all the other walls down too. Complaining begins again… all the joys of one year olds.


P52 #7 – Learning to fly

Tuesday, February 24th, 2015 by Jen

It is once again too cold to play outside and so we’re inside the house, practicing our flying with a gymnastics pad and two mattresses. It started off as an exercise in practicing vaulting as the girls are back in gymnastics again and having trouble getting the timing right for the vault. They both improved between practicing last week and this week.


P52 #6 – Jam Session

Tuesday, February 17th, 2015 by Jen

With all the snow lately we’ve gotten the opportunity to play with lots of our toys (I did a major cleaning/rearranging of the basement yes!), this weekend Jordi took out his amp for his electric guitar and sang for us all. Celia liked to play with the pedal and Ewan liked the plugs.


Signs of our real life include the laundry baskets piled in the corner, all clean, but still piled up on top of the air filter. I think we’ve got a record four stacked there. If you come to our house and there’s not a laundry basket on the air filter you can be very sure that I cleaned up for you.


P52 #5 – Snows the word

Tuesday, February 10th, 2015 by Jen

On the front lawn

Here they are, standing on the front lawn! That’s our porch railing, the one that’s say 7 feet above the ground below them. We’ve been doing a lot of playing in the snow in the front yard that is our giant snow pile that now reaches above the first floor windows.

P52 #4 – Jump jump! Everybody now, jump jump!

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015 by Jen


This week we’ve been stuck inside and at home with colds, pink eye, and snow, lots and lots of snow. So we brought out all the pillows and blankets we could find, and had them all jump onto the big pile to get out some good energy. Love how each has their own style of flying! Today Josie and Celia took turns jumping off the front porch onto the snow pile since it was so high up.

P52 #3 – Hanging out with friends

Tuesday, January 27th, 2015 by Jen

This past Friday we got to enjoy having dinner with one of our longtime family friends. Josie and Celia love to play with both girls and especially enjoy when someone older pays them some attention. The older sister is reading a book to everyone. The younger sister asked her mother if Ewan could sit on her lap, and Ewan heard this and immediately climbed up onto the couch next to her and dropped his bottom onto her lap, ready to be her baby.

The girls and Ewan

(hey there’s a chicken on his head!)

P52 #2 – The fight for the front

Tuesday, January 20th, 2015 by Jen

The fight for the front

This week’s picture is from a facetime call with Tio Javi. Everyone wants to be up front and be the one who is talking and interacting. Of course no one can hear them all too well when they do this, shoving each other out of the way. Ewan and Celia often end up laying on the table. Celia is wearing her sleeping beauty dress, which she calls her Elsa dress. Javi ended up staying on facetime for almost two hours, even watching Josie make a whole bath of cookies herself.

And because I had a close runner up with this cool winter light that streams into our house in the morning, here’s the kids playing all with one single baby toy, a ball pounder over a xylophone.

Runner up