I spend much of my time fiddling with, learning about, and generally working with computers. Much of the basis for what I know today about computers and software I learned at the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University.
Today, I work at Cambridge Semantics building platforms for semantic web applications. I believe that semantic web technologies such as RDF, OWL, and others already provide a platform for building richer web applications, faster than using typical web technologies. Cambridge Semantics releases much of its core technology to the Open Anzo project.
Before Cambridge Semantics, I worked at ITA Software, Inc. leading the user interface team building a large airline reservation system. The airline industry certainly has its share of interesting computational challenges.
Before that, I worked at IBM in the Advanced Internet Technology group. I worked with IBM Life Sciences to develop a product known as InsightLink. It was designed to help scientist do their research more efficiently by allowing them to annotate data and documents and later analyze the data in those annotations.
While at IBM, I published a series of articles about Web Services standards. The first article, second article and third article in the series are out right now on the IBM developerWorks Web Services Zone.
I was also involved in the specification of the Life Science Identifier (LSID) at the Technical Architecture Workgroup of the Interoperable Informatics Infrastructure Consortium (I3C).
At IBM, I also worked on creating a next-generation framework for application development known as Sash. I also worked with many emerging Web Services technologies. I became involved in Sash as an intern in IBM's Extreme Blue program in the summer of 2000. During the internship program I was part of the team building the development environment for the Linux version of Sash (SashXB) that was being implemented also in the internship program. SashXB was donated to the GNOME project.
Before graduating from Carnegie Mellon, I worked as a research assistant for Maxine Eskenazi in Carnegie Mellon's Language Technologies Institute. I worked on the Fluency project which used the Sphinx speech recognition engine to help teach proper language pronunciation. That project was the beginnings of the Carnegie Speech company.
I also did research with Michael Mateas on Terminal Time, an artificial intelligence art project which automatically generates biased documentaries of history based upon audience input. Michael Mateas is one of the creators of the amazing interactive drama, Façade.