Engagement Story
We met in college in 1997 at Carnegie Mellon. We kept running into each other and hanging out together becoming very good friends. We stayed up all night talking about nothing in particular and soon we realized we were more than just friends. Throughout college we were inseparable and when Jen went to MIT for graduate school, I followed her to Boston. Our fourth anniversary together was coming up and I decided that I was ready to ask her to be my bride.
The day came, April 8th, 2002, and we went to the Boston
Public Garden on a beautiful spring day. There is a very scenic spot in the
Public Garden where a small pedestrian bridge hangs over a pond surrounded in grass and flowers.
I walked her to the bridge and hugged her for a while as I calmed the
butterflies in my stomach. Then I reached into my bag and gave her 5 red roses.
Each of the roses represented a year we had been together and an extra rose was
for another year to come. Jen has told me many times before that she isn't
fond of flowers as a symbol of love because they die so quickly. So I got down on one
knee and presented her with another flower, this one made of wax. I told
her that this flower would last forever just like our love. Then I asked
her to marry me. I didn't practice this, thinking the words would come in the
moment...big mistake. I was practically speechless at that point.
Jen was smiling and asked me if she could say "maybe." I said sure and she
laughed and said "maybe...yes." It had been a running joke of ours about
saying maybe during a proposal. She couldn't miss the chance!
we kissed and hugged and then we turned around and walked towards the diamond
building in Boston just down the road. We went together to pick out her
engagement ring, a very elegant round diamond solitaire on a platinum band.
Soon after that we placed an offer on a condominium and now we own a place
together and are living happily married after the
wedding, which was in April of 2003.