Archive for December, 2015

P52 #49 – Reading on the couch

Thursday, December 31st, 2015 by Jen


One of my favorite scenes always is Josie reading to the other two and letting me get some things done without so many interruptions. Although you can see that Ewan isn’t so super excited about the choice of book. Josie picked this book out to give to Celia for the holidays this year and they both like it. Ewan prefers shorter books.

Even in this one small photo I can see all the things that we’ll be changing soon this next year. This couch will hopefully be retired to at least upstairs for a play couch if not entirely put out to the curb. The chicken on the wall and the curtains will be taken down as we move upstairs. The kids will all be one year bigger, maybe Ewan will decide to wear pants more often. Celia will be reading herself full books (she can do bits and pieces now and is learning more each day). Happy New Year!

Soft smile

Sunday, December 27th, 2015 by Jen

I was editing pictures tonight and I really liked this one.


I tried it in black and white, and it looked sad which was not my intention.

We are family December 2015 – Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 26th, 2015 by Jen

Family 2015

Thank you to Celia for forcing to me brush up on my skills in gimp to merge two photos. Here we are in our new upstairs space! We are only halfway through opening presents, we had to stop for lunch and nap.

P52 #48 – Winter Light

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2015 by Jen

All the trees have lost their leaves and now we’ve got the strong winter sun back in our living room in the morning. Ezzy loves it, Fred too. Makes the strong pocket of light look like they discovered their very own sun though and are sitting around it.


Here’s the kids playing with one of their new toys from this holiday. They’re getting better all together, except for the times when Josie gets too bosy, Celia won’t listen to anyone elses opinions and then Ewan feels ignored and given a his two year old tolerance for disappointment he starts to play ‘donut’ and destroys everything.

P52 #47 – The same grass

Thursday, December 17th, 2015 by Jen

I got them all in the same spot of grass, just not quite at the same time. Here they’re down in Florida at my inlaws place, more photos to come.


Wow I’m almost back at 52. I think I’ll have to start a new 52 project for next year. I really am appreciating this project, it was challenging enough to keep with it, but not so hard that I fell off the wagon, and I so love having the photos of all three of them in their natural habitat.


P52 #46 – iPhone-ography

Thursday, December 17th, 2015 by Jen

For my birthday this month I was graced with a smart phone for the first time. I have long held onto my dumb phone, but I was finding I had pockets of time I really could have been using a smart phone to get things done (like waiting in the car outside gymnastics while Ewan is sleeping) and maybe get more sleep at night. So while I plan to keep the big camera out, here’s the first photo of the three of them at Ewan’s last gymnastics class of the year on the bounce house.


P52 #45 – Making the bombs

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2015 by Jen

Watch out, we’re making some home made Christmas presents this year. If they turn out as described anyway.

Making gifts