Archive for May, 2012

Josie’s 4th Birthday Party

Thursday, May 31st, 2012 by Jen

Josie’s party this year was the day before her actual birthday, with the usual party at my parents house with the bounce house, food and cake. Josie picked a theme of penguins and lollipops. I could not find penguin lollipops unfortunately so I went instead with making some cake pops that sort of looked like penguins. I am not terribly skilled with decorating confections, but I try. Josie thought they were pretty cute, but they seemed to be too sweet for the kids though several moms liked them. The girls and I had also made some paper penguins that we put on the walls and bought some big rainbow lollipops that we put out on the table.

We had a book exchange at the party which always produces the most amazing quiet calm time at a birthday party that I’ve ever seen!

Jordi’s mom had flown up that morning from Miami so she celebrated with us too.

I made some of my mom friends smile for a picture…

We had an art table. Interestingly enough, Celia was just wandering all over the party helping herself to whatever she wanted and doing whatever she wanted. She was completely comfortable which was pretty amusing and she’d just walk away from whoever was watching her quietly and swiftly until you’d turn around and have to find her again. She’d climb in the bounce house with the big kids, sit down and start drawing with markers at the table, and go help herself to some cheese.

At the end, they enjoyed the big lollipops.

Josie blew out her candles, after the wind blew them out first. [Photo credit to my mom as I was obviously not in a position to do this]

And then we sent them all home for their own dinner while we grabbed some pizza and soup even though we were all so stuffed from the party! But the partying didn’t end there… Sunday was her actual birthday and we started early.

Javi and Bruna Visit

Tuesday, May 29th, 2012 by Jen

Just before Josie’s birthday Jordi’s brother Javier and his girlfriend Bruna came to visit us. We tried to show them around town a little, took them to the Boston Common, got some dunkies coffee and went to the playground. We played around the fountain some and met up with Jordi for lunch at his company. Then Celia fell asleep on my back as we walked over through Faneuil hall and down to the carousel on the greenway. Josie got two spins around, once with Javi and once with Bruna before we walked over to the north end and got some cannolis from Mike’s Pastry. At that point we were pretty tired and headed for home, heading out again for a nice dinner at Punjab.

Josie wasn’t unhappy, I’m not sure what expression I caught there. Just ignore her.

It was fun to have some adult cooperative models for a change. But they both sure do blink a lot. They hung out with us until Sunday Josie’s actual birthday, celebrating at her party and on Sunday again with the family before they had to catch a plane back. They were great fun to have help play with the girls, and they all wore each other out! Late at night we also got to catch up a bit and chat which was fun.

Driveway Paint

Monday, May 28th, 2012 by Jen

About a month ago I found a recipe for some driveway paint and let the kids have at it. It was easy to mix, half water half cornstarch and while the mixture was a little odd, when poured on thick it went well onto the driveway and left some major fun colors! We even attracted all the neighboring kids to play with us too and paint. This week we bought three boxes of cornstarch to make more fun paint!

More words!

Monday, May 28th, 2012 by Jen

As I said, Celia’s got more words every day. Lately we hear a lot of MINE (or as she says mime). She’s also learned to say excuse me, somewhat in the proper context. Saturday night she wanted to get to her books and some toys were in the way so she repeatedly said excuse me while shoving them out of the way. I think she may have learned that ‘use’ of the word  from her sister.


Celia’s new words

Friday, May 25th, 2012 by Jen

Celia is coming up with new words every single day now. It’s great to understand what she’s trying to communicate to us. This week and over the trip we’ve heard
-Josie (soooo cute)

And this morning, I we heard STOP for the first time! Because Josie was squeezing her nose.

And we’re back!

Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012 by Jen

It has been a very quiet month here on the blog because we’ve had an extremely busy month! We had out of town company, Josie’s birthday and party and then we all tromped off to Europe for two weeks. We’re home now, still jetlagged, Celia woke up at 3am today, 1am yesterday, so we’re headed in the right direction. Here’s a photo while I try to get those posts all written, but we’ve been going to bed with the girls at 7pm so far, so no time yet! Local people – Josie could definitely use some play dates after two weeks with no playmates her age if you’re around!

Don’t look now…

Monday, May 7th, 2012 by Jen

but there’s a bear behind you!