Archive for the ‘WAF’ Tag

We are family – August 2016

Wednesday, January 11th, 2017 by Jen

Wow it’s definitely been crickets around here lately. I’ll try to fix that 🙂 But here’s a photo from some warmer days when we went to overnight camp in August last year.

We are standing outside our cabin, three days dirty from the great outdoors. We had loads of fun, but someone didn’t want to be in the picture.

We are family – July 2016

Saturday, August 27th, 2016 by Jen


Quick fish-eyed selfie from the women’s soccer league which you can sort of see the sign in the back. We saw our first professional women’s soccer game!

We are family – June 2016

Thursday, June 30th, 2016 by Jen


Getting it in right under the wire!

We are family – May 2016

Thursday, June 2nd, 2016 by Jen

Sorry for the cell phone photo, I remembered to take a real camera photo, but then I forgot. So here’s one of all five of us enjoying our first ice cream cone on the front porch of the summer. What they didn’t know is that I replaced the regular ice cream with the non-dairy Ben and Jerry’s, and other than it being banana flavored it was a hit.

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We are family – April 2016

Monday, April 11th, 2016 by Jen


We’ve moved! The couch got kicked to the curb.

We are family – March 2016

Sunday, March 20th, 2016 by Jen


All of us on our annual trip to the Cape Codder Resort! We had a short trip this year of only one night, but we had lots of fun and it still felt like a great weekend away. Next year they will have a much bigger expanded water park which our kids should hopefully be big enough to actually enjoy and appreciate.

We are family – February 2016

Friday, March 4th, 2016 by Jen

Sorry for the poor picture quality but I haven’t picked up my camera in a while. I need to start on a new project to get things moving. This is from our family trip to see Fancy Nancy: The Musical! At the Regent Theater in Arlington. We all enjoyed the show which was a children’s theater production and definitely better than the average high school event I believe. It was a gift from Santa for Christmas. Josie liked the song about being her mothers daughter, and Celia liked the one about being a shark. Ewan wanted to know why the lights kept getting turned off, didn’t like the dark.

We are family – January 2016

Saturday, January 2nd, 2016 by Jen

We are familyWe’ve taken to postponing gingerbread houses until after the major busy time of the holidays and doing them more around new years. We make our gingerbread from scratch, and icing and use secret-stash-hidden Halloween candy. This year the girls were doing it almost all on their own and Ewan kept at it for a long time decorating the whole thing. We had some fun!


We are family December 2015 – Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 26th, 2015 by Jen

Family 2015

Thank you to Celia for forcing to me brush up on my skills in gimp to merge two photos. Here we are in our new upstairs space! We are only halfway through opening presents, we had to stop for lunch and nap.

Happy Thanksgiving – We are family November 2015

Thursday, November 26th, 2015 by Jen

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We had a fairly sedate day of hanging out at my parents house, eating lots of food and three pies. We had salad and pie for dinner and the rest of the ‘main meal’ for lunch. It worked pretty well.


My dad took this photo of the first set of food and all of us, I made him get in the photo.
