Archive for January, 2010

Simba running

Sunday, January 31st, 2010 by Jen

Jordi took this cool picture of his parent’s dog

Simba chasing ducks

Happy Birthday Jordi Weekend!

Sunday, January 31st, 2010 by Jen

To celebrate Jordi’s birthday (and Chanh’s) we packed up this weekend and went back to the Cape Codder Resort with our neighbors and friends Christina, Chanh, Zach and Ethan.

Jen, Josie, Jordi, Zach, Christina, Chanh and Ethan

Jordi, Josie and I drove up early Friday afternoon and Jordi crashed for some much needed sleep after burning the midnight oil several days in a row. I took Josie to the wave pool which she loved just like last year. Each time we went she was more and more ready to get into the pool immediately. She liked to kick and hit the waves.

Waking up daddy after going swimming

Later in the afternoon Christina and family joined us. Our two families had connecting rooms and the kids were crazy just running back and forth and all around. It worked out really well to have the extra space to move and playmates to have fun with.

Josie and Zach working together to buckle baby into the high chair

Our rooms were also really well located just upstairs from the wave pool, as demonstrated by the photo from our room!

The outside of the wave pool, as seen from our room

We had cupcakes, which made me Ethan and Zach’s best friend for a few minutes. It was tough keeping their hands out of the cup cakes while trying to light them on fire though! I slightly surprised Christina by getting her name on a cup cake too since her birthday was only the weekend before!

Cupcakes yum!

We did a tiny bit of sight seeing around Hyannis, but mostly everything is closed this time of year except for restaurants. Jordi was especially disappointed in all the closed ice cream shops. Looking at this picture of the beach I took you almost can’t even tell it’s winter, it looks downright inviting if I couldn’t still imagine the freezing winter beach breeze while I took it!

Beach in Hyannis, viewed towards Hyannis


Saturday, January 30th, 2010 by Jen

We’re part of a cooperative indoor playspace in Belmont called Kidspace. They have kitchen gear, dolls, construction stuff, push toys, tricycles, roller coasters, and indoor slides and houses. Just about any toy you can think of, except for a bounce house. Josie really enjoys it there and it’s conveniently opened in the late afternoon timeframe when not much else is and Josie may be heading into her tough time of day. It’s also full of bright colors which makes for some fun photos for me to have something to do too! Other than crawl around on the floor and play with Josie while the other parents look at me funny.

Josie playing with the cash register

Josie wiggling on the floor

Over 300 photos and counting in January

Friday, January 29th, 2010 by Jen

We’ve been giving our new camera a workout. Lots and lots of photos, not all successful but it’s all been fun. Here’s some other photos that I like that I took.

Pretty girl

Jordi and Josie playing around

Trains, planes and automobiles

Thursday, January 28th, 2010 by Jen

Josie got quite a few toys for Christmas to say the least! The doctor’s kit has been a big hit as has her airplane, trains and shopping cart. Got a few photos that I’d like to share!

Josie's shopping cart

For some odd reason, this is how Josie parks her trains. They apparently do not go inside don’t you know…

Josie parks her trains

Christmas 2009

Wednesday, January 27th, 2010 by Jen

Finally, I’m getting to Christmas! We went down to Miami to enjoy the nice weather and family. We had a great time at Jungle Island and just spending our time visiting family. The big Espinoza family

As usual Josie charmed everyone and learned all the pets names within 5 minutes of meeting them, can’t quite say the same for all the people. She still asks about Simba and Jasmine. Ana and Carlos hosted us again for a yummy breakfast where we got this great group shot with the new camera.

Josie and Abuelo

Vanessa, Carlos and Tere

Here’s the traditional entry video/photo that we always take in my family of the kids seeing the whole Christmas loot for the first time.

Josie speaks

Monday, January 25th, 2010 by Jen

Here’s one we were pretty amused by yesterday:

tabi-yogurt = tapioca (pudding)

Gingerbread concentration

Saturday, January 23rd, 2010 by Jen

In the new year we sat down with my parents and the super-cool gingerbread kit that my dad’s company gave him and made a house. My parents constructed the actual house, we all did the decorating down on Josie’s table. Thankfully Josie, like the rest of us Type A nerds, likes symmetry and precision. I just love the look of concentration on her face in this shot.

Josie decorating the house

Carrying baby & cat

Wednesday, January 20th, 2010 by Jen

One of Josie’s holiday gifts I made her is her very own mei-tie style baby carrier. Hers has a buckle on the waist instead of ties like mine. She’ll carry baby and cat around in it for up to half an hour, guess I made it comfortable! It’s great not to have to tie her up in mine anymore.

Josie carrying her baby, in old style diaper

Gymnast in training?

Tuesday, January 19th, 2010 by Jen

We’ve been taking  ‘gymnastics’ lessons at our local rec department now for two sessions. Josie really enjoys them, lots of run around time, not a lot of structure. Today the teacher helped Josie spin herself up over the bar and told me that she had ‘great body control’ and that I should sign her up for ‘real gymnastics’. I remarked on how yes Josie has always been very strong and physically aware. But real gymnastics for the under two set? Maybe when someone else wants to pay for the lessons!

She also made friends with one of the boys in class today named Alexander, a blond 2.5 year old. They hugged and held hands, then Alexander followed us around for the rest of the class.

Josie tumbling on George