Homeschool Preschool 2011-2012
Sunday, April 1st, 2012 by JenWe decided against sending Josie to preschool at age 3 for a number of reasons, we thought she’d be happier at home, we can use that money for other things since I’m home already and she’s clearly as very sociable little girl already. She will be going this next fall to prepare for school the following year. But for this year I’ve been working with a neighbor and friend Saralynn doing a homeschool preschool once a week with our kids. Her kids are both just a bit older than both of mine, with her eldest being a girl too. We’ve been meeting once a week all year studying a big range of topics, mostly derived from what interests us and what the girls ask for. We’ve studied different animals, plants, maps, terrain, government, currency, foods and use those topics to pick books to read and arts and crafts projects to make. We have made copious use of our libraries and their lending system. Some topics are a hit, others not so much.
We go on field trips when we can, to the aquarium and science museum as well as just the great outdoors. It does seem a lot easier to handle 4 kids with 2 parents instead of just 1 parent on 2 kids. We divide and conquer well! We stick in math and letter lessons wherever we can and the girls seem to be making great progress. They can identify most if not all of their upper and lower case letters as well as write most of them. Addition and subtraction has been our latest work and Josie is starting to recognize how to put letters together into words in books as we read.
Generally Celia wants to be involved in all the art projects and activities whereas Blake is often content to have all the toys to himself. Here’s a few pics from the school year, pardon the low quality ipod ones.