Archive for February, 2016

Ewan is two and a half!

Sunday, February 21st, 2016 by Jen

It’s been quiet here on the blog, I’ve been sick, and with finishing up my year long photo project I haven’t had the kick in the pants to get posting every week. But last month Ewan turned two and a half! And boy is he a kick in the pants to get moving. He’s always on the go ready to get into and explore everything. Yesterday we were at the park and he decided he wanted a stick that he left at home, so he left the park and walked all the way home himself to get the stick. He assured me that he looked both ways at the streets. We had a lot of talking about that (and no he didn’t make it home without be going after him fairly quickly but he was not in a listening mood and he’s never done that before).

The biggest change in him is how expressive his language has become. He can explain what he wants and often why, although the reason doesn’t always make sense. Ewan tells stories about what happened, complete with facial expressions and arm movements to emphasize the big parts.

When we’re at home he spends a lot of time in his trampoline. He likes to jump to music, spinning himself in circles and flopping down. He also loves to read books and is pointing at different words for me to read them to him individually. He has started to play games and tolerates taking turns remarkably well for a two year old. The first orchard game we have is a favorite. He’s learning his colors although he’s not terribly interested in them so he’s a bit flippant about me questioning him on them. He also is getting more excited about puzzles lately solving 12 piece ones alone and bigger ones with his sisters.

Outside of the house he’s taking a gymnastics class this winter, our classic one with coach Tanya. He’s reluctant to attend some weeks but once we’re there and he’s running around he has a blast. He likes to show off how he can do forward rolls and tries the backwards ones. He also swings from the bars and likes me to call him a monkey.

His favorite shirt is his ‘yoyo’ shirt as he calls it. It says ‘Y is for Yoda’ on it and we gave it to him for Christmas. Unfortunately it is a short sleeve shirt, but he will wear it over or under other long sleeve shirts for the winter and it should fit all summer too! He’s wearing that almost every other day at this point just so we have time to wash it inbetween. He is very picky about what he wears, even down to what color diaper. So many of my friends have told me their boys don’t give a hoot what they wear, but clearly that is not the case here. Also about those diapers, one of these days he’ll hopefully give them up for real. He can use the potty as desired and on command and he’s super excited about underwear but he won’t remember when he’s wearing it that he has to keep it dry, and he won’t tell me when it’s wet all the time. So I’m not pushing on that as I don’t need more puddles to clean up. Right now it’s easier to keep him in diapers and let him use the toilet when it is convenient. He will also just take off his diaper and go if he so desires at times. See the above story about walking home for a stick to show how he’s decided he’ll just do things for himself. He is resourceful! He’ll use anything for a stool so we really have to watch out with where we put things and when he says he wants something. If I say ‘no’ I need to be ready to follow it up with a physical restraint because he takes that as a mere suggestion. He wants to do everything himself and tries to claim that everything belongs to him.

Outside Ewan loves to play with all the balls and toys. He plays with his hockey gear, soccer balls, basketballs, bike, and his tennis ball. He is full of energy and this quite warm winter has been fantastic for being able to keep getting him outside. Today he lamented that there was no more snow to shovel though, maybe he’ll get some more. It is still only February.

  • Size/weight: 2T and 3T clothes, 30 lbs, 37 inches tall
  • Favorite food: breastmilk, pasta, sweets, broccoli
  • Favorite toy: trampoline
  • Favorite book: The Story Of Ferdinand and Maisy books
  • Favorite activity: running
  • Sleeping: bedtime ~8:30; one short nap at 1:30; gets up 6:30am
  • New skill: complete sentences and explaining himself, more words, less violence
  • Teeth: I think he’s got the full twenty
  • Vocalizations: counting, although he misses 4 in both spanish and english.


ewan at 2.5