Archive for September, 2010

Cat abuse?

Thursday, September 30th, 2010 by Jen

Baby dolls like to cuddle. Mickey? George? Anybody. That’s Josie’s new bed by the way, not terribly exciting as it’s just a mattress on the floor, but we all like it.

Photo shoot

Wednesday, September 29th, 2010 by Jen

Josie just looked super cute the other day and so we did a little photo shoot outside to get some more photos of just her, while she’s still our one and only!

Nap time at our house

Friday, September 24th, 2010 by Jen

Nap time is serious business at our house. 6 out of the 7 beings in the house were sleeping. 4 in this shot sitting right next to me at the computer (kaya is in the top perch). We’ve all been enjoying the beautiful weather and the ability to leave the windows open.

Our baby

Thursday, September 23rd, 2010 by Jen

did I make you click extra quick? Josie managed to buckle herself the entire way in. She is definitely over the weight limit at this point though, wouldn’t be if we got the bigger version, but she hated this seat anyway. She likes putting her doll in it now, we’ll have to throw it in the car though.

When mom gets creative with the megabloks

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010 by Jen

Flamingo Stalking

Tuesday, September 21st, 2010 by Jen

You see a lot of photos from the zoo because we’re members and we’re cheap. So once membership has been bought, we use it frequently! Jordi doesn’t get to go that often though because it’s often a weekday trip for me and another mom. This time we went on the weekend to stone zoo. Josie was on the hunt for Flamingo’s the entire time, yet kept picking the slowest path through the zoo to find them. It’s always a fun place to take pictures, Jordi had the camera most of the time so these are his shots. It was the first time Josie walked the whole zoo too pretty much. Not too big a place, but tiring enough.

More sprinkler park

Monday, September 20th, 2010 by Jen

Here’s some other fun pictures from the spray park. I had fun with the camera, Jordi had fun getting wet. Josie liked to watch what the big kids did.

This is the photo right as they both got entirely soaked and Jordi’s glasses were knocked to the ground, and thankfully found before being stepped on.

Labor day!

Sunday, September 19th, 2010 by Jen

Weekend that is. We enjoyed a relaxing trip down to RI to visit our friends Stef and Koos and their kids Xander and Zoe to celebrate the weekend with a BBQ and friends. We brought our bounce house which was a big hit and we were glad to be able to use it again. Amongst this group of friends I’ll only be the second one to have the second kid and their kids are mostly a couple of months older than Josie. It’s a very different dynamic getting to look at the older kids and see what they’re capable of in only a few short months beyond Josie. Toilet-training is in full effect with most everyone and the ability to hear what they’re all thinking is funny. It’s nice to not have to be eagle-eyed hawks over the kids too as they generally play better together.

The super-short video below is of the pinata. Josie was disturbed that we were purposefully trying to break something, given how often I warn her not to do something that might break something. She did a good job trying to whack though for her age. It took a couple of grown men (using only one arm) to bring it down though.

She’s ready (part 2)

Saturday, September 18th, 2010 by Jen

As overheard at dinner tonight:

Josie: “I’m ready for you to push the baby out now. I’m going to give you a hug while you push the baby out.”

Me: “Ahhh I’ll like that but the baby gets to decide when it comes out.”

Josie, thinks, then says “And I get to decide when it goes back in!”

I can do nothing but laugh.

She’s ready

Saturday, September 18th, 2010 by Jen

Josie told me this morning “I’m ready for you to push the baby out mommy”. We all know the big sister’s consent is really the thing holding back labor at this point. I’m just under 3 weeks to my estimated due date of Oct 8th at this point, although Josie was a week late so it may still be 4 weeks.

I also got my last pre-baby hair cut so I’ve got to agree today is a good day to go into labor, because hey, my hair would look good in the pictures hopefully.

Josie also recently moved out to her own bed. We got it last week and she just moved, we didn’t even ask her to go. It is a really nice mattress, I like when she lets me nap with her there occasionally.

Better go put the baby car seat in the car and pack the hospital bag.