Celia’s third birthday party
Tuesday, October 29th, 2013 by JenAs is typical in our house, we have at least three birthday parties for the birthday kid. One family, one with my grandmother who rarely leaves her assisted living, and one with friends. For Celia’s third birthday I gave her a choice of either a gymnasium one or swimming and she picked a playtime one in a gymnasium. We decided to take it easier on ourselves given the whole little baby and having three kids thing. So we booked the local gymnasium that includes a bunch of toys and fun with a parachute. I ordered a cake from a local bakery and even got them to put the owl themed picture onto it. It wasn’t fancy, but we had yummy food, a few good friends and easy fun. Celia had a smile on her face the whole time and loved it, which is just what I was aiming for, a happy birthday girl! She also requested chocolate dipped strawberries on her menu so I made those too.
One of the favorite things was the parachute. We’d twirl it around the people in the middle (which was always Celia plus everyone else got a turn with her too). Then we’d all pull out at once and the people in the middle would spin and twirl and flip for fun!
Best of all, it was cleaned up and relaxing for all of us, including my parents whose house we usually take over for the whole weekend to throw our bashes.