Archive for January, 2014

November’s Thankful Things

Sunday, January 12th, 2014 by Jen

Way back in November, for the whole month, we sit down at dinner and list off the things we are thankful for. We try to get a new one each day and try to even write them down for each day. Sometimes we have to play catch up for a few days, and sometimes we let small children fudge with the ‘no repeats’ rule. It’s always a joy to hear what they have to say to be thankful for. This year almost every day Celia said she was thankful for a ‘healthy baby Ewan.’ He certainly is the biggest change we’ve had this year. We also had a bad stomach bug this month so it reminded us all to be well thankful for our health! And those around us! Here’s their lists.


  1. Mommy
  2. Red Sox
  3. My ABC’s (the art we do to discuss/learn the letters)
  4. Nice house to live in
  5. Healthy Ewan
  6. Healthy Papa
  7. Healthy Celia
  8. Healthy Josie
  9. Healthy Daddy
  10. Ice skating
  11. Quebrada
  12. Nice Mommy
  13. Fun Pama
  14. Good Dinner
  15. Three birthday parties!
  16. Museum trips
  17. Throwing leaves at Connor
  18. Healthy Ewan
  19. A mommy to love
  20. Daddy working hard at work
  21. Watching TV
  22. Dollhouse and toys and games
  23. A new baby brother and a healthy daddy
  24. New Warm House (umm who got a new house?)
  25. Daddy helping me while sick
  26. Our new car
  27. Bronwyn and Blake
  28. Kind Josie
  29. Silly Mio
  30. Mommy not stepping one me when I fall down (ummm what??)

Josie’s list

  1. Sister whom I love
  2. Watching red sox from office (we saw the victory parade from Jordi’s office!)
  3. MacKenzie’s party
  4. New presents
  5. Good dinner
  6. Fun Ewan
  7. Eating M&M cookies
  8. Long weekends
  9. Watching the movie
  10. Dinner with Zach and Ethan
  11. Ice skating
  12. Nice mommy
  13. Ezzy looking so cute
  14. Mommy coming to school
  15. Making good cookies
  16. Going to the museum and learning new facts
  17. French fries and Liam (a boy in her class)
  18. New books
  19. A mommy to love
  20. Daddy working hard at work
  21. Watching TV
  22. Ewan feeling better
  23. Celia worked out her frustration smoothly (i.e. Celia didn’t hit me when she was mad)
  24. Nice house to live in
  25. Mommy making good soup
  26. Thankful we have money to buy each other presents
  27. Irsa (girl from school)
  28. Silly Mio
  29. Warm house
  30. Warm clothes and electricity

Jordi and I offered up some other boring things like the health of our parents and families, clothes, housing and food to eat, each other and our fun times as a family. We are blessed!


Christmas 2013 (part 1)

Saturday, January 11th, 2014 by Jen

This year for Christmas we were down in Miami, away from the snow and cold. I am still having to adjust to a non-cold Christmas even after eight(?) years of doing it!

the stockings

We spent pretty much our entire visit just trying to soak up time with the loved ones so everyone got to meet Ewan and hang out together. The newest members of the family, cousin Ben only 9 months old, and Ewan spent a lot of time together, sharing toys. You get lots of pictures because what’s more cute than one baby? two babies!

Ben hey look, grass Who are those people? Tio javi is sooo funny!

We had a very short photo session with the two of them outside and it was hilariously ineffective. Ewan was easy, because he can’t move and just sits there, he has no choice. Ben is constantly on the move though. We’d put him on the blanket and he’d crawl the wrong way, no matter where we put him, he’d crawl a different direction, immediately. Finally once we put them on the grass they were both very curious about what it was that they were sitting on that they sat still to examine it. And then laugh at us making funny faces at them.

It was also warm enough that we went swimming! Well those of us from Boston did, plus Ben and Sonya.

Ben, Sonya, Celia, Jen, Josie and Ewan

And we weren’t even the only ones in the pool! Ewan liked swimming and didn’t seem to mind the chilly water. Josie is tall enough to walk around the shallow end just barely now and Celia enjoyed being carried around the pool.

Strong sun

Wednesday, January 8th, 2014 by Jen


Celia age 3

half in shadows

Celia gave me a few moments of pictures today. I feel like I got a glimpse of how she’ll look as she grows up in the strong sun.

Leaps and bounds

Sunday, January 5th, 2014 by Jen

And exactly the day after I write the last post about Ewan he’s got some new tricks! He got his second tooth! And now he’s managed to pull himself up to standing on a laundry basket. He can get up on his hands and feet and even get himself back into a sitting position after falling on his tummy. Walking and crawling are coming soon!

Ewan sitting in stripes

Ewan about to crawl

Ewan from above at 5.5 months

This week in Ewan

Thursday, January 2nd, 2014 by Jen

Over the last two weeks Ewan has been changing by leaps and bounds. A week ago Saturday he got his first tooth through the gums! yay for all of us, especially hoping he gets back to sleeping more. He has also moved on from sitting alone, but tipping over regularly, to being able to sit for a long time and move to a hands and knees position and back again by himself. He can get his foot underneath himself and today even pulled himself up to standing on a very full laundry basket. The days of having a happy baby who sits and plays with toys are now over, he just whines to get moving. In case you’re wondering when global warming sped up so much, these pics are from Florida. It’s 5 degrees and day one of a blizzard keeping us snowed in here in Boston right now.

Ewan sitting outside

Ewan playing with Sophie
And here’s another new trick I’ll let the video show.