Archive for April, 2013
Trains in the morning, trains in the night
Thursday, April 11th, 2013 by JenTrains are a popular option right now at our house. Interestingly enough the cars also get to drive on the train tracks. Celia also lined up a bunch of the ramp pieces tonight and called them ‘diving boards’. But then the trains got sad and started crying when I took out my camera. But once I got off the floor because they were sad, suddenly they were happy again and wanted their picture taken. Celia’s got some complicated stories for us now these days.
Me and the girls
Monday, April 8th, 2013 by JenDark and Light
Sunday, April 7th, 2013 by Jen10 years!
Saturday, April 6th, 2013 by Jen10 years ago yesterday I married the love of my life! It’s been quite a ride this last decade, plus the 5 years before that we’ve been together. Two kids a few trips to Europe, the Caribbean and places closer to home. Four jobs, two cars, up to 7 cats at a time, and actually the same house through it all. It seems like just yesterday and then some days it seems so far away with the crazy life of the kids. So here’s to ten more wonderful years, 1 more kid, probably a new house, having to say goodbye to some cats, introduction to elementary education, and hopefully a few great trips exploring the world with our little people.
We were supposed to be in Florida as of yesterday, but Celia was too sick to travel and risk exposing relatives to our nasty virus. That’s been postponed a month. But instead we drove the kids down to Kondeitor Meister and picked up the same kind of cake we all enjoyed on our wedding day (even though it looks quite different). We’re so happy to have those of you in our lives that were able to celebrate that time with us! And we miss those we’ve lost since then.

Jordi and Jen cut the cake
Enjoy a look back through our wedding photos. Taunt your children with reminding them that the world existed before they were born and that you too were once in your early twenties! Our kids don’t seem to really believe it but they do like looking at the pictures of my cousins Abby and Ally and seeing when they were ‘big kids’.
Ezzy in a box
Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013 by JenVictim #2
Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013 by JenIce skating at the end of the season
Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013 by JenThe girls and Jordi went along with my dad ice skating quite a few weekends this year, enough to go through a whole pass of tickets and some more. The difference from the first try to now has been amazing. We got Celia some single blade skates and she’s determined to move herself across the ice. Josie likes to hang out, but when we found her a friend at the last session, she just went around and around holding that little girls hand in friendship and moving herself along. Nothing like a new friend for some motivation! Celia is mostly walking but she just goes where she wants, when she wants. Here’s a rare photo of her holding on to one finger as she watches the action around her. My dad’s facebook page has some video of them actually moving to get the real effect. Can’t wait to join them next year zipping around the ice.
Monday, April 1st, 2013 by JenJosie got a stomp rocket for Christmas this year, and now that’s it’s finally nice out we’ve taken it out a few times to play with it. She’s got it mastered and Celia’s got the hang of it too. It’s so much fun for all the kids at the park and the girls have been great about sharing it and taking turns. Today we got a few minutes of playtime before it started to rain on us.
The leotard
Monday, April 1st, 2013 by JenCelia has taken up an attachment to Josie’s old ballet leotard. If you’ve seen us about town lately you’ve probably been treated to Celia lifting up her shirt and showing you her leotard. At home it’s pretty much all she’ll wear, if she’ll wear anything but a diaper and undershirt. It’s for games like ‘ballet class’, ‘gymnastics’, and ‘doctor’. It’s a wear-everywhere type thing apparently in this two year old’s mind.
She’s also obsessed with Josie’s new lace-up shoes and I found her an old pair of Josie’s that just happen to fit and have laces. The only other lace shoes we’ve ever owned. Lucky coincidence.