Archive for February, 2012

Babes in the woods

Tuesday, February 28th, 2012 by Jen

Today’s photoshoot, down near Alewife and Magnolia park.Using my zoom lens from wide angle to major zoom!

Sunday with the Howells

Monday, February 27th, 2012 by Jen

Sunday we drove down to Rhode Island to have a visit with our friends and the Providence Children’s Museum. Using our nice shiny new Boston museum membership we enjoyed a free trip (except for the gas) and a new place for the kids to play while the grown ups catch up. Very different from the parties of yesteryear but we had fun and kept the kids busy and tired with new activities. Here’s a few photos from our fun! Josie liked the over-sized light-bright best. Celia loved the water tables and had to be dragged away kicking and screaming for lunch, she’s going to be happy in the summer with the water table.

The light was different all over the museum, so it gave me a real run for my money adjusting settings to try to get usable pictures.

Shortly after this picture was taken Xander turned the pipe and sent the water direction out of the table onto the floor (right near the drain thankfully).

As overhead at bedtime tonight

Monday, February 27th, 2012 by Jen

Josie said “I’m going to move back into this house when I’m a grown up. I’m going to buy it. I’m going to be a mommy and have a boy and a girl. The girl will come first. I’ll have to go to a wedding and find a daddy.”

She has big plans.

As overheard from Josie

Saturday, February 25th, 2012 by Jen

“I have to get my bones really hard before I do yoga. We’re going to do a really hard yoga workout.”

Josie and Celia sharing snack at the park

Saturday, February 25th, 2012 by Jen

I now spend too much time chasing my children (and other people’s) around the park and everywhere with my camera trying to get better at exposure and white balance. I feel like I’m getting the technical bits down ok mostly (even if I want a full frame camera so I can do better in low light), but my composition is often more a matter of luck at times other than finding light to shine in the right direction. Of course that luck also has a lot to do with the fact that my subjects move around constantly, almost never listen to direction and don’t much care what I’m trying to do. When I get adults to photograph though I hardly ever know what to do with them, so I should study up on that.

You might also notice it is February and they are wearing spring coats. It is incredibly unseasonably warm this year which has been really nice for avoiding being stuck in the house. We try to get out every time it is nice, much to the dismay of anyone who wants my house to be clean and dinner to be fancy.

Window light is my favorite

Friday, February 24th, 2012 by Jen

My parents have this great window in their living room which is huge and doesn’t get much direct sun. I like to use it for some nice little portraits.

Here’s the face Celia keeps making a lot lately. Maybe it’s teething or maybe it’s just a new trick, but we see it a lot.

Come here often?

Friday, February 24th, 2012 by Jen

Here’s Josie and Ethan, after running up ahead of us under the light at Maria’s. I’m always looking for that light!


Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 by Jen

My mom had her knee replaced last Thursday and yesterday we visited my parents at home where my mom is recovering. So far so good, although it’s still bleeding more than she’d like. The girls struggle a bit with her not being mobile and active, but at least she can still read lots and lots of stories.

She doesn’t want to go home

Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 by Jen

We were playing at Josies friend Ella’s house and she did not want to go home. No shirt because they’d been playing dress up and she had to put her own clothes back on. I took a ton of photos of her friends too to practice.

We are family – February 2012

Saturday, February 18th, 2012 by Jen

I’m going to work on at least a monthly family portrait. Since I’m so often not in the pictures and all… terrible light so black and white with funky processing!