Archive for February, 2009
Beautiful reflection
Friday, February 13th, 2009 by Jen
Josie in the guitar
Run Josie Run
Thursday, February 12th, 2009 by JenWe took this at the Woburn Kids Playground place as she ran around and chased other kids.
Josie’s favorite things right now
Wednesday, February 11th, 2009 by JenJosie has learned some cool new skills lately. She loves to bring us her books (specifically Go Dog Go, Mr Brown Can Moo, Touch and Feel ABC’s, and Moo Ba La La La are favorites) and have us read them to her. She’ll usually stay for one reading, and then really all she wants to do is flip the pages back and forth.
She is an avid waver when you say bye-bye and she waves hello to all the cats whenever she sees them. She will hand things to you if you ask but she takes them back pretty quickly. She has also been working on her ‘g’ sounds, lots of guh guh guh’s.
She also is stable enough to bounce on her Rody, and push her cart forward while sitting on it. We still have to work on her not putting everything in her mouth.
Jordi’s Birthday (Part 2)
Tuesday, February 10th, 2009 by JenOn Jordi’s birthday we took Josie to a crazy kids playground place called Kids Playground. It’s a huge space with giant climbing mazes, dress-up/pretend spaces, and bouncing houses. It would be the most amazing thing for a kid in the 3-10 age set I think. Josie was pretty clingy for the first hour and then she got comfortable and was off to the races. They have a small space for little kids under 2 as well, but they don’t do anything to keep the bigger kids out which made things a bit dicier (we saw kids kicking and hitting one another, but I think they were siblings, which I suppose makes it slightly better?). But we had fun, and the adults can climb on the structures too which we certainly had to do with Josie although some spots were pretty tight!
She really loved to play in the little house and open and shut the door. She also liked chasing other small children. She did not like the big slides that had a lot of static. She also liked the sesame street characters painted on the wall and gave them several kisses.
- Birthday boy and daughter
- Jen and Josie in the ball pit
- Josie climbing the rock wall
- Josie on the swing
- Jordi and Josie way up high
- Jordi and Josie in the bubble
- Jen and Josie in the mesh floor area
- Josie playing in the house
- Josie on the train
Ezzy loves Minkee
Monday, February 9th, 2009 by JenEzzy loves to sleep on the babycarrier whenever she finds it on the couch. It’s lined with Minkee.
Ice is good for teething
Monday, February 9th, 2009 by JenWe found this hanging off the roof from my parents house, she really enjoyed chewing on it.

Josie and the icicle
Adventures in eating: egg yolks, olive oil, black beans, avocado
Sunday, February 8th, 2009 by JenI’ve fallen behind in the food documenting arena again, but there haven’t been any great reactions. Over the last several weeks since she turned 9 months we were able to introduce some new foods like egg yolks and olive oil! She doesn’t eat or drink the olive oil, but I can use it now to cook some of her foods. None of these foods were particularly big hits to begin with, but after a few weeks of offering it to her Josie has decided that avocado now beats broccoli for best food in the world. Good thing the stores had sales on avocados last week. She will sit and eat almost an entire one in a meal. We started on black beans yesterday but it took a lot of cajoling to even get her to put it in her mouth. I expect that like avocado she’ll try them more later and like them more then.
One thing that the egg yolk and oil gave me was a chance to actually do some food combinations and cooking. For instance, I made her broccoli potato “fries” shown below. They weren’t a huge hit although I thought they were pretty tastey.
Her appetite for food has increased quite a bit and she will eat surprisingly large amounts of food. I’m also starting to appreciate the fruit that she eats because I don’t have to cook it, just cut it. I think the avocado mask she gives herself nightly also might be helping to improve her complexion!
Her cold from last week finally ended after almost three weeks, and that combined with the daily avocado and olive oil on other foods seems to have given her the small double chin back again which makes me feel better. This week she goes to the doc to confirm the ear infection is gone and we’ll get another weigh-in.

Broccoli potato fries
It’s Jen!
Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009 by JenNo wait, it’s Jen’s hat, scarf, reusable bag, and even Jen’s dress/vest from when she was a baby. But no, it’s Josie!

Josie decked out in mom's stuff
Baby mug shot
Monday, February 2nd, 2009 by JenWe took these photos for her passport! We are hoping to take a vacation one of these years.