Author Archive

Sleep is so valuable

Tuesday, May 6th, 2008 by Jordi

…that I should probably be sleeping rather than posting here. But I couldn’t resist showing off our little girl some more. The last few days have been difficult as we work on learning each others’ signals and putting some weight on little Josie. The weather has turned gorgeous again though and we’ve managed to get some nice sun. That livened everyone up. Enjoy some more photos.

Home from the hospital

Friday, May 2nd, 2008 by Jordi

Yesterday we came home from the hospital around 2pm! It was a long night but we all managed a nap today in the afternoon that made us feel much better. Josie had her first doctor’s visit this morning and everything looks fine. She seems to like the people at the doctor’s office so far. Of course, they haven’t tried to give her any shots yet. And now…more cute pictures…

Tia’s Hat

Wednesday, April 30th, 2008 by Jordi

Hospital fashion can be so drab. It’s a good thing Josie has the hat her auntie gave her to liven things up.

We’ll hopefully be leaving the hospital tomorrow. A night in our own bed will be so nice. Even if it might be a sleepless night.

Hello, Josephine

Tuesday, April 29th, 2008 by Jordi

Please welcome Josephine Lucia Albornoz Mulligan. She was born April 29th, at 6:39pm weighing 7 lbs. 6.6 ounces and measuring 20 inches long. Mom and baby are happy, healthy, and beautiful. Enjoy some photos.

Our cell phones have been off due to hospital policies recently. We’ve received all of the messages. Thanks for the wonderful thoughts and wishes. We’ll be more in contact soon.

Everyone is still doing well

Tuesday, April 29th, 2008 by Jordi

Soon after Jen’s last post, contractions became strong enough to keep her from concentrating on anything else. Since then, labor has progressed and a lot has happened. Mom and baby are doing well still but our baby has not yet been born. I’ll write more another time but for now I wanted to just let everyone know that we’re all well.

Look what you’re missing

Saturday, April 26th, 2008 by Jordi

You could be here on a beautiful spring day. You didn’t get to meet the sheep, or the alpacas. You definitely would have liked the horses and the sheep herding dogs. But…you’re still not born yet. Four days late so far.

Snow is still a novelty

Saturday, February 23rd, 2008 by Jordi

Snowman 2008 Feb 23

Having grown up in Miami, snow still often feels new to me. So this morning, having some energy left over after shoveling out from last night’s snow storm, I had some fun.

Happy Valentine’s Day

Thursday, February 14th, 2008 by Jordi

Last year, Jen got me a Wii for my birthday. I made this video to show her my appreciation on Valentine’s day.

Foreign Policy and Parenting

Saturday, February 9th, 2008 by Jordi

I don’t agree with President Bush’s approach to most policy issues. But recently, I’ve been thinking about parenting a lot and I thought it might be funny to see what our commander-in-chief could teach us about parenting.

Spanking is a pretty big controversy. I personally think applying President Bush’s stance with Iran might be the strategy I choose:

This notion that the United States is getting ready to attack Iran is simply ridiculous. And having said that, all options are on the table. – President G. W. Bush from Brussels, Feb 22, 2005

And, of course, it’s important for your children to understand:

I’m the decider – President G. W. Bush, Feb 22, 2006

Or…we are the deciders, anyway.

Good stuff. With that and heat-seeking chancletas, we’re all set. Now I’m starting to realize that the president’s condescending tone was really him trying to be the nation’s loving yet stern disciplinarian. I can’t wait to elect a president who doesn’t treat us like children.

Not Enough Cats

Saturday, January 19th, 2008 by Jordi

We’ve had some complaints that this blog has too many babies and not enough kitties. So here you go.

Mio in Scarf

This is Mio. He’s modeling a scarf made of the remnants from Jen’s newly hemmed pants.