I hereby challenge myself, to post one picture a week, of my three hooligans, doing their thing (P52 – project 52, as in 52 weeks a year). They’re growing so fast and I want to try to capture the everyday details of their play and life together. One picture a week, of three kids, not necessarily looking at me or happy, but real.

This is taken from the kitchen, watching the kids play, as I do dishes and clean things up after lunch. The room is trashed, it’s been too cold to play outside. Christmas cards on the door frame of the dining room. They’re standing up on the bench, Celia in the middle of helping Ewan getting down. When he wants to get down he yells ‘help, help, help, help…’ until someone gives him a hand. Josie is reading the program from the church service on Christmas Eve because it has the words to a few Christmas carols. She’s holding a choir rehearsal at home performing these songs, in anticipation of her real choir performance in a couple of weeks. Celia is wearing one of her favorite dresses that is altogether too short, but with pants on under, it’s not a problem in winter. Josie is wearing her fleece indoors because she’s recovering from a cold and has a bad cough so the extra warmth feels good. Ewan keeps climbing up and down, wanting to be included, as Josie tries to teach Celia the songs.