Archive for June, 2009

Mother’s day in Florida

Tuesday, June 9th, 2009 by Jen

As previously mentioned, we went to Florida in May for Mother’s Day. We saw lots of relatives, including my grandmother and most of Jordi’s family. We had a lot of fun, even if Josie isn’t a fan of the heat. Playing on the beach and in the water was a blast. Josie loved getting to pet and chase new cats, including a 2 month old kitten, and dogs and didn’t do any lasting damage to the house so far as we saw 🙂

I don’t know why I don’t have any photos from the beach, maybe someone else does?

The boys next door

Monday, June 8th, 2009 by Jen

We are living in a great neighborhood and are really lucky to have such lovely neighbors on all sides of us! There are 4 kids within 4 months of Josie’s age plus a couple of older ones just in the few houses right around us. Next door though are some of Josie’s (and my) favorite playmates. Zach is just a couple of weeks younger than Josie. He thinks Josie is ‘da bomb’ if I interpret his frequent attempts at hugging her and giving her flowers (i.e. grass). Josie tries not to recoil too much when Zach (who out-weighs her by over 5 lbs and isn’t quite as steady on his feet) comes in for a big hug. Josie loves to follow Zach’s older brother Ethan (age 3.5) around and copy him much to Ethan’s frustration. She even copies him when he yells, although the words come out a little differently. We’re just really lucky to have them around and we’re all gonna be pretty sad when Christina (mom) goes back to teaching in the fall.

Josie’s games

Sunday, June 7th, 2009 by Jen

Some of Josie’s favorite games are her playing in bed because it’s way better than sleeping! Here’s a demo:

And another!

She doesn’t get it from me

Monday, June 1st, 2009 by Jen

I really hope this video doesn’t reflect on the way she feels that I stroller her around.