She doesn’t get it from me

I really hope this video doesn’t reflect on the way she feels that I stroller her around.

5 Responses to “She doesn’t get it from me”

  1. Grandma Tere Says:

    Sooooo funny!!!

  2. wingerz Says:

    Does she ever take the real cats for a ride?

  3. gdad Says:

    Cat would have smooth going if *someone* would get all of those obstacles out of the way, instead of running the video. But, keep running the video, we are eager for the next one!

  4. Pipita Says:

    Es fascinante ver a Josie con solo 13 meses desenvolverse con esa determinacion, poner atencion y ejecutar las ordenes que le imparten. Bravo!!!!

    Is exciting to see Josie with only 13 months developing with determination, paying attention and realizing orders given to her.

  5. Norm Says:

    She is absolutely adorable.

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