Happy 6th Birthday Josie

Happy 6 years around the sun to my lovely Josie! She designed her own cake, I implemented it mostly, but she helped with the baking of the chocolate cake part. There is a ton left, anyone need some cake?

She also planned the whole day, starting with the food. We had blueberry chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast, then we had gymnastics class. Then off to Friendly’s for lunch with my parents including a design your own ice cream sundae. From there we went out to the Stone zoo and met up with Josie’s friend Bronwyn. Home again for a short time to play with the birthday gifts she opened in the morning before going to Comellas for dinner with Jordi and my parents. Then home for cake, more presents and bed. She forgot to ask for the ice cream with the cake at dessert tonight, but I don’t think anyone went away less than stuffed. Then she’s also got us booked for this upcoming weekend, but I’ll update on that later.

The top of the cake

Make a wish

Primary colors in side!

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