Goodbye Kaya
Today we had to sadly say goodbye to Kaya. She along with her sister Ezzy were the first babies Jordi and I had. I found them on petfinder over Christmas just before Jordi was moving to Boston and we were getting our first apartment together in Cambridge. They were already two years old and not fixed yet, and were not used to using a litter box. We went to visit the cats at the shelter straight from picking him up at the airport for his approval. Then we got the cats two days later once we finally got into our new place and had a mattress to sleep on! It took us a while to tell the difference between the two tiny lightweight cats. They seemed so similar, and they are, although now I can spot the differences a mile away. Thankfully they adjusted well, and we learned who was who so we didn’t have to keep the collars on anymore since they were indoor cats. They both gained weight and thrived. Kaya came to us with a broken tail, sliced ear and a funky colored eye, signs of some tough times before. She was decidedly a daddy’s girl. Throughout the years she’s been faithfully with us, loving the move to our bigger current space.

After the kids were born though, and Fred and George arrived and got huge, Kaya was not pleased living with us anymore. She was half the size of the big boys, and very sensitive. So when they chased her, she ran and screamed. Can’t really explain ‘just ignore the bullies’ to a cat. So then while Kaya had the run of the house during the day, she stayed in the bathroom at night so have some peace and rest. Once my parents cats had all died, they offered to take Kaya and we accepted. Kaya has lived at their house now for a few years very happily, monitoring their daily showering, reminding them to feed her and to go to bed. They’ve taken good care of our grumpy girl, who will literally bite (or swat) the hand that feeds her if you put it in front of her face the wrong way. Just make sure to use the other hand so you don’t put it in front of her mouth.
In the end, she’s always had a bad stomach of sorts for a long time now although we’re not sure quite why. Test results pointed to GI cancer but beyond trying some treatment that failed, there was no need to put her through more testing for just more bad news. We were glad to get to give her a peaceful cuddling goodbye in her own home. She will be missed.
March 5th, 2014 at 8:50 am
Jen and Jordi,
So so so sorry for your loss. Know that we’re thinking about you guys.
March 6th, 2014 at 12:52 pm
So sorry to hear about Kaya, she was grumpy but very loving when you got past that. She will definitely be missed.