Cape Cod in 2013

Yep still more posts about Cape Cod and it’s past the end of September. I’ll make it the last.

Cape cod 2013!

We keep it low key on vacation. We generally spent the afternoon at the pool and most days just around the house, playing at the local school playground, swimming, reading and several days we went to the beach.

Josie and Celia reading

At the beach Celia had no question of what to do. The biggest problem was the sunblock which she does not like. We learned to put it on at the car so once she hit the sand she could just dig dig dig, scoop scoop scoop and pour pour pour. She kept herself busy for hours on end with no apparent goal, except the one she couldn’t clearly express from her own mind.

Celia and Mike digging in the sand

Josie on the other hand preferred to be in the water mostly. She really got into her boogie board this year (or more accurately enjoyed using Celia’s because she thought it was prettier). She did some digging, but had the most fun when she managed to connect with other kids. One day it was two brothers that she played school with (she was the teacher), another day two sisters from the UK.

Josie and her boogie board

Tere, Jordi, and Josie

We also did some art outside, painting, drawing, cutting, and even attempted some building with marshmallows and toothpicks. Josie was intrigued, Celia was not interested for more than a couple of seconds. It was tricky to get them to stick!

Mike and Josie building with toothpicks and marshmallows

Building with food

Other than some more random photoshoots in the green room to appease me…

Ewan smiling and sleeping at 7 weeks

All three vertical!

he's not a dog Celia

Forced hand holding

We spent our time in the pool! Josie learned to jump in both the shallow and deep end of the pool (with the puddlejumpers in the deep end) even going under water before popping back up!

Celia at the pool






And where was Ewan? Mostly he could sense the second I went into the water and cried for me, but sometimes we made this work. Outdoor swing!

Ewan in the swing

It was a great trip!

The five of us!

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