It’s been a lucky week

This week at Josie’s school they had a raffle for a whole bunch of different items. I bought a bunch of tickets to support the school and tossed them into two items, a kids rocking chair and a set of restaurant gift certificates. I told the kids it was a donation to the school and we wouldn’t win, because lots of people entered and we just usually don’t. So you can imagine my surprise when I walked in after the drawing and we had won both prizes!!! Those gift certificates will be awesome as I prefer not to cook much at this point and while it’s hot and the chair was decorated by Josie’s preschool class. They each made finger prints into different kinds of bugs. The girls are loving the chair, although Josie has rocked herself backwards out of it twice already.

Rocking chair


Josie's fingerprints

Josie in the rocking chair

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