Miami in May

We were supposed to go to Miami to see Jordi’s family right in the beginning of April but Celia was too sick to travel that weekend so we rescheduled for a month later with just a bit of time to see everyone. It was a little crazy with Tere and Gilbert returning from Europe just a few hours before we arrived and then Javi was leaving two days later for vacation to Brazil. But it was the only time we could fit it in and see everyone before the baby arrives!

We didn’t have a big schedule, a birthday party for Josie and Gilbert on Sunday, and hanging out and enjoying the good weather. Playing catch with Tio Javi

We went to the pool, the playground and the beach. Lots of time hanging around in the backyard and doing art projects while Celia napped. We went to south point beach in Miami Beach for the first time and it was gorgeous and very warm for swimming. Celia learned that she really does not like sunblock, she’s going to have to work on getting over that one for this summer up here in Boston. I spent a lot of time practicing with the different kinds of light while the girls playing and visited.

Josie backlit in mini-ears

Abuela and the girls in the swing

The backyard view

Tia Vani and Josie

And of course we got to meet the third great-grandchild on Jordi’s maternal grandmother’s side, Benjamin!

Sonya, Carlos and Benjamin

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