Raspberry season!

[Apparently this post got lost somewhere along the line and was never published.]

Last week we went raspberry picking, me and the girls, on Wednesday just to have something fun to do. We went to a nearby farm in Winchester, they had lots of berries fairly low and high and some chickens which was enough to fill a good part of our morning. We picked berries for a bit, Josie did a great job keeping hers in the bucket. Celia picked them, dropped it in the bucket, and then picked them all out and ate them a la Blueberries for Sal. We also got to pick the rotten berries, I got to carry that bucket. At the end we gave the rotten berries to the chickens which everyone enjoyed.

Celia obviously loves raspberries, but Josie isn’t such a huge fan and while we didn’t bring home tons, it was more than we’d be able to eat. So I looked up a quick jam recipe and found this one. Easiest thing ever, only two ingredients. The girls enjoyed mashing the berries and eating the results. I even took it a step further and jarred up some of the jelly by boiling them and everything to really seal it. Turns out it wasn’t really necessary as we’ve already eaten through most of it within the week. We’ll have to do this again next summer.

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