Goodbye Molly
Sadly we’ve had a rough couple of years with my parents cats, and last Saturday we lost Molly, their cat of nearly 20 years. She was just a few months shy of getting to 20. Her hips among many other things were failing her and it was time to say goodbye. She was the last cat we had gotten while I still lived with my parents (full-time anyway) that we’d had since she was a kitten. She came from a pet store (shame shame) and had many health problems throughout her life with arthritis but somehow kept going despite dire predictions years ago from the vets. She was loud and demanding and a definite cuddler. It is very odd to walk into my parents house without her there to yelp and grumble hello to you.
February 17th, 2012 at 1:04 pm
So sad. Really miss her.