Celia’s new tricks at 15 months

She’s learned or is trying to learn how to:

  • jump, just a little bit off the ground, both feet of course!
  • negotiate her way into the off-limits kitchen, by finding a little piece of trash she HAS to put in the garbage bin. This actually is working out really well because she found a random goldfish on the floor of the childrens museum and brought it to me to put in the trash, instead of eating it.
  • buckle – starting with the high chair of course
  • climb up the tunnel slide – she made it 2/3rds of the way up herself this week. Josie just learned this past fall how to get up it.

One Response to “Celia’s new tricks at 15 months”

  1. Pama Says:

    Such a cutie! and glad to see that the convertible is still running reliably.

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