It’s a blog, it’s a book!

Last year for mothers day, I asked Jordi to make this blog into a book. As you may have noticed this blog is pretty much a baby book keeping track of our family activities and milestones, while also updating our friends and family in pain-staking detail. Jordi spent the past year working on it at nights and on train rides during his commute and formatted it into a pdf for to print and bind into this fantastic book. It’s over 300 pages and only includes the first two years of Josie’s life. So I should have a nice encyclopedia set by the time we’re done.

3 Responses to “It’s a blog, it’s a book!”

  1. Abuelos Says:

    Wow!!! Amazing!!!

  2. Pipita Says:

    Excelente idea!!!!

  3. wing Says:

    wow, awesome! what did you guys use to export it?

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