New dipes

Last week we took Josie to the doc to followup on her ear infection (all clear!) and weighed her. She’s tipping the scales at 24 lbs now, it really just all added on in one chunk last week I swear. And now her diapers are popping open at the velcro when she bends over. I kept thinking she was messing with them, but as I thought about it more, she’s way past the expected weight limit of those diapers since she’s tall and thin. She has finally outgrown them! I put in a new order over the weekend for BumGenius 3.0 Onesize diapers which will grow with her and shrink way down again, cause hopefully Josie learn how to use the potty before too much longer and won’t wear them out. She’s having a lot of success, but it’s a slow process.

Josie the big girl

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