Party traditions
Now that we and a lot of our friends are getting the hang of being parents, some of the party traditions are reemerging, like pumping carving and holidays. We enjoyed the hospitality of Saru, Justin and Ryan and got to watch the kids have a ball and quibble over toys. We bought Josie’s new push cart and Rody over because she had just gotten them that afternoon and so we wanted to share. Worked out well as there was lots of excitement for both Ryan’s and Josie’s push and ride vehicles. Josie even gave Lilia a nice ride on the cart. Josie repeatedly seemed to want the same toys as Jace who is over a year older than her, she seemed to give as good as she got at least and neither were worse for wear. It is so neat to watch the different ages and developmental stages of each of the little ones!
- Zach and Ryan cuddling with Josh
- Zach and Josie making a toy grab (plus Lilia and Jer)
- Josie steering two carts at once (Jace in the background)
- Josie pushing the cart with Lilia
January 4th, 2009 at 9:11 am
I see Josie is learning a lot. But Jen is accumulating a smart and sharp experience.