We’re thinking of getting a GPS system for our upcoming driving trip so that when Josie decides that we need to stop, we can find some place rather than just pull off the side of the road. Either that or map out where the Panera’s, starbucks, etc. are all along the entire route. Do you have one you like? Seen any crazy deals lately? Want to lend us yours for a few days if you’re not using it?

One Response to “GPS”

  1. wingerz Says:

    We’ve been pretty happy with our Garmin (nuvi 350 I think), and we got another one for my parents for Christmas a few years ago. Unfortunately, haven’t been keeping my eye on specific models or deals. Some features to think about: quality of the UI, whether it says street names, whether it has international maps (we ended up paying more for one that includes Canada).

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