The Feast Of Saint Anthony

Last weekend we also went into town to the feast of Saint Anthony in the north end. It is a big street fair with music and tons of vendors and is an excuse for the normal restaurants to jack up their prices even higher. Our friends Craig and Alyssa live down there and they graciously hosted us for the afternoon as we popped in and out of the heat and crowds. We walked around and found probably the only non-Italian food (although I don’t suppose fried dough is Italian either) and ate cachapas and plantains. Later we had yummy aronchini (rice balls with spinach and cheese) and canollis.

It was also out first attempt at a stroller-less outing. We had one baby carrier, and one diaper bag, and we did it all on the subway and bus by handing her and the bag back and forth and using the carrier. It was very successful actually and I did not envy those people trying to push strollers through the mobbed streets of the north end. It almost felt like before we had Josie because we weren’t lugging huge amounts of paraphernalia with us!

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