Turning the big 3-0

The weekend before last I started to feel older as I am now 30 years old. We had a fun weekend. On the day of I got some fun presents, Josie helped me open them, but she needs to work on not eating the paper. She’s got to train for the holidays you know. Then I spent the afternoon at a party for our little friend Ryan which was a nice distraction to hang around the really young people, Josie had a blast! The next day we went to the aquarium because I like it and we thought Josie would too!

Josie has a real obcession with kissing babies. We brought out my baby photos and she kissed them (see photo below). She kisses the babies in her books (and the cats). She kisses the boys at the mom’s group too! Mostly on the forehead. Most of them look sincerely shocked when she does it. Our friend Luke (of Catherine and Jamie) though at this past mom’s group was ready and waiting though with his tongue waaay out for his kiss. He got a few on the forehead.

2 Responses to “Turning the big 3-0”

  1. Cate Says:

    Luke always has his tongue out. There’s got to be a dog in his ancestry somewhere. I didn’t know your birthday was the day of Ryan’s party! Boy, 30th birthdays are definitely different from 21!

  2. wingerz Says:

    happy birthday!!!

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