joy of LOVE 25: when you love them the most
This photo was supposed to be about what they do for you to make you happy. Josie, being 2, doesn’t do much for me explicitly as she believes the world revolves around her as is developmentally appropriate. But one of the things she gives me in my life that makes me happy is watching her discover how the world works and learning new things. Lately she’s returned to her fascination with puzzles, especially while she’s by herself during quiet time. She has a few two sided puzzles and she has learned that if she puts it together on one side, if she carefully takes it apart and flips it over piece by piece she can put it back together very quickly to see the other puzzle, and again and again. She’s very quick with puzzles these days. She had lost interest for a couple of months but now they seem to be back in full swing. Here she is putting together a pets puzzle. She quickly objected to the photos, so she would not look at me.
March 2nd, 2011 at 11:44 am
Josie es perceverante. Maaravilloso.