P52 #22 – Bebe is on the potty

Camera still broken, really low quality this week. But funny story to go with it at least!


Ewan has been working on using the potty these days when I’ll let him. Clear difference between child #1 and child #3, I was leaning on #1 to use the toilet, #3 has to yell at me to let him use the toilet because I’m sick of sitting in the bathroom waiting through it all 8 times a day. I’ve got stuff to do man! Here in this picture he’s decided that BeBe (he pronounces it bay-bay, meaning baby in spanish), his doll sitting naked on the couch is using the ‘toilet’. The ‘toilet’ being the globe. Then he tells us that his doll pooped, so we’re all giggling about how BeBe has pooped on the world.

Josie had been reading a Fancy Nancy book to Celia, Ewan had been carrying his baby in the baby carrier that is attached to his waist.

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