Happy Thanksgiving 2011
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. We’ve had some losses this year in the family and some scares, but we’re so happy to have the family and friends we have with us every day.
One of the crafts we made this year, in addition to the normal hand shaped turkeys, was make a Thanksgiving Tree. For this I taped a tree shape on the wall, drew some leaf shapes on paper and had Josie go to town cutting them out and we wrote what we were thankful for on them. Mostly they’re all people, family, friends, neighbors, teachers. Then Josie added in one for each of the seasons. And Cups. Not sure why, but Josie is thankful for cups, and why not. Here’s the girls this morning in front of the good old traditional Thanksgiving Tree.
November 25th, 2011 at 8:37 am
We are all Thankful for this Blog!