Adventures in Eating: blueberries, apricot, peaches, oatmeal
I’ve gotten a bit behind in the food photos department, although they’re all starting to look the same so it’s not so much fun. We’ve been trying lots of new foods and basically Josie still is preferring the old standby of broccoli, rice cakes, and potatoes and seems moderately eager about carrots and sweet potatoes. From the title you can see we’ve tried a bunch of new foods and pretty much all of the fruit was summarily sent to the floor after trying it. The blueberries did a pretty good job of painting her face. The oatmeal was fairly interesting to her although the spoon concept was thrown to the floor. Instead I just make the oatmeal thick and put it in a pile in front of her and she dug in. She seems to have my food preferences quite a bit, man the peach was sour. Can’t wait until we get back to some new vegetables rather than all these fruits although I am doing a good job trying new fruits this way too.

Josie eating blueberries and rice cake

Final results of the blueberries - note the eyebrow

Josie and the peach