Christmas 2008
This year we went to my dad’s family in Harrisburg. It was a long car ride both there and back but Josie did relatively well. Unfortunately on the first morning it took us a long time to get going, everything takes forever when packing for an extra person who also demands tons of attention! We stopped at a new favorite, Reins Deli in Vernon CT:

Rein's Deli in CT
We had a wonderful meal at Cousin Sue and Jeff’s house on Christmas Eve. Josie got to meet the huge dog Zeke, she tried to kiss him, but they weren’t too sure about one another.

Josie playing with the dog toy

Jordi and Josie by the tree on Christmas Eve

Josie and Jen on Christmas Eve

Karen, Jen and Josie on Christmas Eve waiting to leave for church
As always it was a bountiful Christmas morning, although since we had opened a lot of gifts the previous weekend, gift unwrapping didn’t take all morning into the afternoon. Josie did a good job walking into the room to amazement at the gifts being , which is a family tradition that I have thankfully outgrown having to do.

Walking in on Christmas morning

Christmas morning unwrapping
As usualy Josie was initially shy with everyone, but after a day or two she started to warm up and really enjoy everyones company. Phoebe the cat was very friendly too and Josie kissed her frequently. The other cats made themselves scarce.

Cousin Ally and Abby with Josie

Josie and Abby
Sadly all good things must end and Saturday morning we packed up and went home. The trip home was shorter but not particularly easier. We had a lot of toys to amuse Josie with in the car but we still stopped frequently for changes and leg stretches. We stopped at McD’s for a potty break rather than BK so Josie could enjoy her first playplace. We sent Jordi up in the climbing structure with her, she did seem to really enjoy it. The fries would have been much better at BK, but we made the sacrifice.

Aunt Diane, Uncle Todd, Cousin Abby, Cousin Ally, Jordi, Josie, Jen and Grandma

McD's playplace
January 4th, 2009 at 8:46 am
All the photos talk by themselve. I see plenty of Merry and I enjoy seeing you very happy.
Good bless all of you.