Swimming Lessons

For the past few weeks Josie has been taking “swimming lessons” at the boys and girls club. I put those words in quotes because it’s a very loose approximation of swimming. More like clinging onto us for dear life. The first week she was velcroed to me, now she can stand to do a little arm and leg movements and not be directly attached. She is excellent at jumping into the pool, mostly because she doesn’t want to be separate from us. She is interested in everything going on, but I think we’ll wait a few more months before we try the lessons again, the 18 month olds seem to be having a blast, we’ll stick to family swim.

The toughest part actually is getting her cleaned up and dry after swimming. You’re wet, she’s cold, and you’re trying to get warm dry clothes on her without soaking them against your own body. Then she pee’s on the floor during the few seconds you don’t have a diaper on her, oh well. Somehow all the other moms manage to do a better and faster job than I do.

Josie in the pool with Jordi

Josie in the pool with Jordi

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