Tere and Vani come to visit!

Two weeks ago we were lucky to get a visit from Jordi’s mom and sister. They stayed with us a few days and Vanessa ran the BAA half marathon around Franklin park even! Her first half marathon race and she did great. We did a lot of eating out, exploring the city and also showing them our own routine. We started off on Friday morning by going to the local ‘paint your own pottery’ place. Celia’s never done it before and Josie’s only been there once before. They both picked bowls. I haven’t snapped pictures of them yet but I’ll have to do it. As usual Celia mixed up all her colors into one general yellow/orange, I had anticipated that and gave her colors that would meld as such. Josie chose a few other brighter colors and kept them separate. We picked them up the next week and they love to eat out of them and enjoy them. Friday afternoon we headed down to the park and showed off their bike riding skills before enjoying a nice dinner at Punjab.

Saturday morning included our usual routine off to Quebrada for breakfast and then we went into Harvard Square for some playtime and lunch before returning home for snack. Saturday afternoon we brought the ladies into their hotel in the city and joined them for dinner in the prudential shopping center at Wagamamas.

This picture I took in front of the Harvard Square movie theater which has now closed. No midnight rocky horror for my girls there!

The next morning was race day, and after a super-short visit with my cousin will at my parents house, we headed over to Franklin park zoo and caught Vanessa running at mile 12 as she’s inside the zoo. Our friend Steve also happened to be running and see us there so he got some extra cheerleaders too! Vani was running with a smile on her face and did great.

Sunday afternoon we got Celia back home for nap and I took Josie to a birthday party while the other ladies rested up from the big morning. Then we all met up for dinner again at the prudential before we were all too exhausted stay any longer. Monday I took the girls into the city to the childrens museum before meeting up with everyone for lunch just outside of Jordi’s office. Then Tere and Vani made  their way to the airport at the end of their quick visit. It was a jam-packed weekend!

One Response to “Tere and Vani come to visit!”

  1. Abuela Says:

    We were also very lucky to spend time with all of you Jen! We had a superb time!!

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