The third third

Today marks exactly 3 months until my due date of April 22nd and so I have entered my third trimester of pregnancy. My symptoms have been relatively minimal, at least in the second trimester, and so I’m hoping that things don’t go downhill too quickly from here. Mostly my complaints are having to get up in the middle of the night, every night, heartburn issues upon eating almost anything lately, dizziness, and getting up from the floor is tougher by the day. I, and my boss, have grown accustomed to my 10 hours of sleep per night and resulting 10am arrival at work. Jordi has had no trouble adapting to, and participating in, this change. Mostly we’re looking forward to the actual arrival of the baby. It has been good to see our friends’ children as reminders that there is a real light at the end of the tunnel, even though that light will continue to disrupt my sleep. We’re well on our way to being prepared too. We have a crib, changing table, rocking chair ordered, some clothes and a place to put them. We ordered shades and I’ll be making curtains soon and a matching nightlight. Whats left? Deciding on diapers, a crib mattress, and rearranging some furniture.

One Response to “The third third”

  1. Carlos & Sonya Says:

    APRIL 22nd, Uh-Oh! The baby could turn out like me…that’s if the signs are any accurate, (Taurus – April 24th) That’s not too bad i think…either way the both of you will make the greatest parents in the world. I love you guys, can’t wait!

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