Growing like a weed – 12 month stats

Today we went to the doc for Josie’s one year visit. She’s sprouting up like crazy in these last few months, as we noticed but didn’t have quantitative evidence for. She is:

  • 30.25″ long, that’s a growth of 2.25″ in the last three months, vs. only one inch in the previous three months. That keeps her at 85% for height.
  • 19 lbs even, she gained almost 3 lbs (16 lb 1 oz at 9 months) in three months! The previous three months she only gained 15 ounces! This puts her firmed back into the 30’s percentile for weight instead of hanging out at the bottom. I think we can say thank you to Mexico for the avocados and to the dairy industry for cheese that packed on this weight!

Josie helping to clean

One Response to “Growing like a weed – 12 month stats”

  1. Pipita Says:

    En esa foto esta preciosa. Se muestra muy atenta. Besos

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